Hollie McNish
Je souhaite seulement que tu fasses quelque chose de toi
Hollie McNish
- J'ai Lu
- Litterature Etrangere
- 23 Octobre 2024
- 9782290408247
«Cette semaine-là, nous avions parlé de fellation parce que mamie croyait que les pipes étaient un mythe : Mais qui donc voudrait faire ça ?» Du tabou des règles aux injonctions à être belle, en passant par les céréales anti-masturbation de Kellogg's, Hollie McNish déconstruit les stéréotypes de genre et tend un miroir affectueux au monde qui nous entoure. À travers une série de divagations pleines d'esprit et d'humour, où alternent prises de position et poèmes brûlants, l'autrice interroge le quotidien de nos vies et ses interdits. Sa vision enchantée décortique nos comportements pour offrir des perspectives nouvelles sur les multiples façons d'habiter poétiquement la société.
A wise, rude, sharp poetry collection encompassing a life from childhood to attempted adulthood, from one of the most important poets of the new generation. ''She writes with honesty, conviction, humour and love. She points out the absurdities we''ve grown too used to and lets us see the world with fresh eyes.'' - Kae Tempest Hollie McNish, winner of the Ted Hughes Award for Poetry, has thrilled and entranced audiences the length and breadth of the UK with her compelling and powerful performances. Plum , her debut for Picador Poetry, is a wise, sometimes rude and piercingly candid account of her memories from childhood to attempted adulthood. This is a book about growing up, about flesh, fruit, friendships, work and play - and the urgent need to find a voice for the poems that will somehow do the whole glorious riot of it justice. Throughout Plum , McNish allows her recent poems to be interrupted by earlier writing from her younger selves - voices that speak out from the past with disarming and often very funny results. Plum is a celebration, a salute to a life in which we are always growing, stumbling, falling, changing and discovering new selves to add to our own messy store. It will leave the reader in no doubt as to why McNish is considered one of the most important poets of the new generation.